Monday, April 16, 2012


In September of 2011, ABC aired a new series called Revenge. I rarely become obsessed with TV shows, however, this show has me hooked. The plot centers around a mysterious and beautiful woman named Emily who moves back to the Hamptons, where she grew up, to seek revenge on the people who framed her father for a terrorist attack years prior. 

Emily arrives to the Hamptons with a new name, an unrecognizable appearance and a very malicious agenda. While she works her way into the circle of the Hamptons elite quite easily, her real intent is to get revenge on these people. She manages to ruin the lives of those involved in the framing by destroying their careers, ripping apart their families, exposing their secrets and even causing death on occasion. 

While it might not be totally obvious what this television show has to do with games, it is actually very relevant. Before Emily arrives to town, she does extensive research on every person that she intends to take down. From hacking their computers, to digging into their background and learning about their scandals, she is able to collect dirt on each person she wishes to harm. By learning about her opponents, she is able to strategically use the information she finds in ways that will cause the most damage. For example, when she finds useful information on one victim, she sneakily exposes it at a large ceremony honoring the person, thus embarrassing them and creating a total scandal.

In addition to her in-depth research and cunning strategies, her ability to use trickery, manipulation and deceit to work her way into the lives of these people while simultaneously destroying them is an example of the power of mind games. Even when suspicion rises, she is able to deflect it and have them completely fooled by manipulating their thoughts. 

Not only does Emily display skill when seeking revenge, but she is also extremely determined, another quality that is important in winning most games. In order to properly execute her plan of revenge she changed her name, moved to the Hamptons, and cut ties with anyone who knew her former identity. She also dedicates all of her time and energy to her plan, showing intense dedication. While revenge is no game to Emily, she uses tactics used in numerous forms of games to effectively execute her plan.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Paige.

    I like that you bring up the topic of revenge because it is a very interesting and powerful subject. In many ways, revenge has been a motivating factor in my 2011-2012 academic year. I don't mean revenge in the sense that I hold a personal vendetta against anyone, but revenge in the sense that I feel wronged and I am motivated to better myself to never feel that feeling again. This past summer I was involved in an incident that I don't care to mention, that had me feeling bitter and angry. I spent a long time reliving the situation and reminding myself of the pain and hurt I felt. That pain and anger has been my motivation for the entire year and it has helped me be a better student, and person. I am constantly reminding myself of how the person I interacted with made me feel and it was the best experience that I could have ever asked for.
