Sunday, April 15, 2012


It's not your typical game. There are no teams. There is no winner. There are no official rules. There is no competition. 

Ouija is a flat board marked with the letters of the alphabet, the numbers 0-9, the words "yes", "no", "hello" and "goodbye" and numerous symbols and graphics. Interestingly, it is a registered trademark of Hasbro Inc., a company which markets and distributes the Ouija Board as part of its line of board games. With this board, users can ask questions while lightly placing their hands on a pointer that moves across the board to stop on letters, spelling words and thus providing answers and advice. While Ouija believers feel that paranormal or supernatural forces are responsible for Ouija's movement, others believe that it may be explained by unconscious movements of those controlling the pointer, a psychophysiological phenomenon known as the ideomotor effect, according to Wikipedia.

In addition to lacking many of the common characteristics of typical boardgames, another thing that makes the Ouija board unique is that it is related to controversial topics given its connection to the belief of paranormal and supernatural forces. Compared to other boardgames, such as Life or Candy Land, there are heavy implications that come with the game as it touches on spiritual connection and communication. Additionally, these concepts are interwoven with religious beliefs, making this game the subject of criticism from some, depending on their religious background. 

It's very interesting that something that shares very few characteristics of common boardgames is produced by a company such as Hasbro and marketed as a casual board game. Additionally, the game's controversial nature makes it a product unlikely to be purchased by many demographics of people. Personally, I think the idea that a board game could be so powerful is a very interesting concept but I'm not so sure I believe it. Do you believe in the aptitude of the Ouija board? 


  1. To be honest- the paranormal scares the living shit out of me; it always has, it always will. Something about being haunted or even watched by someone/something without permission, or even control, absolutely freaks me out. The fact that their are claims by people that they were even harmed- physically- by a ghost, is horrifying. With that being said, I've always tried to steer clear of Ouija boards. But, my best friend growing up was obsessed with these types of games and would always try to get me to play them with her, and one time, I complied. Although nothing really happened (I'm pretty sure there were no movements from the paranormal... if anything it was definitely her moving the pointer to scare me), I still am not one to want to go near it again. I definitely believe that if one has the willpower, the determination, and a strong sense of belief- the Ouija board can definitely work it's "magic" and become alive.

  2. I almost didn't read this post because the idea of a Ouija Board is so scary to me. My mother always told me growing up that she wouldn't allow one of those games in the house...Come to think of it, I've never even played the forbidden game. Like Amanda said, the idea of the supernatural communicating with me or predicting some horrible future is not something I want to experience. All of this said, I don't believe in the supernatural. I don't believe in ghosts or demons or any of that why is it so scary? It's kind of like watching a scary movie in that you know it's not true (or at least I don't believe it to be true), but it's still a terrifying concept that you don't want to entertain. I like that you mentioned some of the psychological aspects that are playing a role in this game. Also, I'm sure there are instances where friends will move the triangle-word-thing to liven up the game a little. Maybe the game part of a Ouija board is the mystery of it and the fear of it--not so much finding out your future. Awesome blog idea! I'm jealous I didn't think of it first. =)

  3. Personally, I think you would have to be suffering from some sort of mental illness to actually believe that a "spirit" is moving the pointer. If you were a spirit, would you honestly set aside all of the other awesome supernatural mayhem you could cause just so you could move a piece of plastic around a board? Movies such as Paranormal Activity and shows such as Ghost Hunters have had a similar affect on society as the movie Jaws. Many people have developed an unnecessary fear of sharks because of this movie, and a similar process is occurring with regards to spirits. The difference, however, is that you know there are sharks in the water, whereas you cannot be certain that these alleged spirits actually have an identifiable presence. I find the Ouija Board game to be more of a game of mental psyche than anything else.

  4. For me, I think this board game is just a game to excercise the imagination of the people who are playing. I don't believe that spirits are responsible for moving the pointer and it is the people who are playing that are doing it, whether consciously or unconsciously. I've actually played this game a few times when I was younger and every time the same thing happened, people tried to move the pointer for the answer they wanted. How I know this is because I was one of those trouble makers who tried to move pointer a certain way and I could tell some of the other girls had a pretty good grip too. Anyways, I don't think this game does any harm but it is interesting that Hasbro sold this game compared to the ones they do sell.
