Monday, March 26, 2012

May the odds be ever in your favor!

I am not much of a follower when it comes to trends or the latest obsessions, but when it came to The Hunger Games I must admit I did jump right on the bandwagon with everyone else after reading the first book of the series. They were a perfect mix of competition, emotion, and even romance that kept me wanting to read more. Needless to say I was one of those people at the midnight premiere of the movie which came out last Thursday. No I was not the crazy fan
wearing Katniss's face on my t-shirt or holding an awkward sign, but I was eager to watch the movie.

I can honestly say I loved the movie. It followed the entire book so well. Theintensity of the movie kept everyone on the edge of their seats. You could feel the competition in the air, along with the emotions running through each character. I would highly recommend it to anyone. My roommates who did not even read the book loved the movie. Go see it!


  1. I agree, I went to the premier as well, but defiantly not a crazy Hunger Games fanatic. Although they followed the book so well I’m glad I read the book before I saw the movie because I’m not sure if I would have liked it as much otherwise. For me, because I read the book what happened in the movie kind of meant more than if I didn’t read the book beforehand. In the book there is a lot more detail and we get to see the thoughts and feeling she experienced throughout the games. Although I know all that information can’t put in a movie, the things that did happen I was able to understand them better and know the background behind it opposed to someone who didn’t. With that being said the movie was still a great one and I would also recommend it to everyone even if you still haven’t read the book.

  2. I totally agree, I went to the movie (not the night of the premier) and I couldn't have been happier about waiting one day. I was able to really enjoy this movie without the crazy fans and take in every moment that this movie had to offer. I literally have not been able to stop thinking about this movie since I saw it last week, and I have even now gone back to re-read the books because I really enjoyed them so much.

  3. I went at midnight as well! I really enjoyed it and it was a great experience, but I was a little disappointed by the nature of the audience. At times there was a lot of laughing at lines that may have been cheesy but were important to the story and were taken straight from the book! Perhaps I should have waited to go see it; I felt like their reactions at certain parts ruined those moments. I'm going to have to re-read the books and rent the movie to watch by myself in silence when it comes out on DVD to get back into the true "Hunger Games" state of mind.

  4. I just got to see the movie last night (FINALLY) after waiting a week since it came out. I really enjoyed the movie and thought they did a phenomenal job keeping to the main storyline. I agree with Sarah that some of the audience members' reactions were annoying. The only part I think I laughed at was when Peeta told Katniss he had been watching her every day since they were in kindergarden...every day (even if you are dying in the Hunger Games this is still a little creepy).

    I thought they people they picked to play all of the characters were spot on. The only part I really wished that was made clear in the movie was that the Mutts at the end attacking them had the eyes of the fallen tributes they had connected with or killed. This was a huge part of the book that adds a whole different element to the ending. I went with some friends that read the book and some that had not. The ones that had not were confused about a few main points, such as what happens if you survive the Hunger Games and what happens to the District (they get food for a year).

    This movie I felt was definitely catered toward people who had read the books, which was a nice change for once. They are definitely entertaining and followable if you did not read them, but if you did you would know they stayed extremely close to the storyline, and stayed true to the characters.
