Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Mock Rock 2012

This past week Varsity student athletes at the University of Michigan put on a talent show where their hidden, and even odd talents were displayed and put into skits or dances for the entire audience at Hill Auditorium to view. Although this entire production was for charity, it is easy to say that when you put competitive athletes in front of one another there will be nothing but a competitive atmosphere.

Some athletic teams had put together a performance where they had been working on it for months, and held practices every week. Other teams had put together and last minute skit in hopes that there would be a team worse then them who had done the same thing. My team was one of the teams who had decided what they were doing that week of Mock Rock, and held an hour practice the day of Mock Rock. Thankfully our sense of humor in the skit made the judges love us and we were not the worst team at mock rock.

All of these performances reminded me of the article, "The Role of Deliberate Practice in Acquisition of Expert Performance." It got me to think about how practicing something out of your element or something you're not very good at will help you get better. Making the effort to be the best in competition will help you succeed. Men and Women's track won the Mock Rock competition, but they had 3 practices a week since December. They were very serious about their performance and it was amazing. It was very evident the teams that had just put together their skits or dances, because of the lack of practice.

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